Wednesday, September 26, 2007

trying to think of the good

First the bahness (sometimes just little things that I feel like I should take care of when I get the time):
  • The dishes are piling up in the sink.
  • My no-longer housemate's dad called two days ago. The battery on the phone was dead because she'd left it in her room. We listened as he left the message. The machine's still blinking. For some reason the number and the play button's blinks are out of synch.
  • I should empty the trash from my room.
  • At some point I need to get to the BIG town to recycle and have car insurance office see that I have a car.
  • There are papers covering my desk at school in a variety of piles I don't want to think about.
  • Good problems for worksheets are harder to come up with than you'd think.
  • And worksheets are boring. Maybe I'll get it together enough to come up with some sort of game activity by Friday...of next week. Or next month.

Ah well.

Good things:
  • The counselor/adviser who's class is on one side of me and office is on the other--she's there for hugs whenever I need them. And medicine. And prayers. And a listening ear.
  • Seeing friends and actually getting to socialize at class.
  • Borrowing books from other people (note again, not the library, it hasn't moved to the new school yet).
  • Stress foods in the form of fruit. (Watching my grocery shopping spree last Saturday, when I was hungry and stressed, was amusing. 15 pounds of flour. I had to get three types.)
  • Listening to NPR when I have an internet connection and Taize podcasts when I don't.


Anonymous said...

sending you LOTS of hugs.
i know you've hit a rough patch, but you're such a trooper! it sounds like classes are going well. only thing is with roommate-ness.
(side note: love the story about buying shopping is definitely a form of stress release.)

thinking of you and hoping that it gets better as it goes. hugs.

friend said...

A week and a half later and I still haven't needed to open any of those bags of flour. Close but not quite yet.