Which are also some of my favorite gifts to give. Come December the hardest part is wrapping them.
I've long been a fan of fabric topped jars. In the past I've spent hours cutting out circles to fit the lids just so. But today I didn't have the patience to come up with my template. I channeled my snowflake cutting years instead and went pointy.
Quickest tute so that I remember this trick in the future. (I didn't even retake the pictures when I realized how bad they are. Next time...)
1) Have jar to be wrapped.
2) And some fabric to wrap it in.
3) Cut a good sized piece of fabric (use the lid as a guide).
4) Fold it into quarters. Then start folding diagonally. This one got to be in 16ths.
5) Snip the end. I went for an exaggerated point.
6) Unfold and top the jar.
7) Lather, rinse, repeat.
1 comment:
So crafty!
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