Saturday, November 8, 2008

Snowday Babble

Snow days are even better when you're a teacher. I guess being an adult with kids will add another perspective, but at this stage in life, absolutely love them.

It's only been 5 and a half months since our last blizzard, but this one felt more...blizzardy. I actually got out in the wind and snow a little bit. The power went out. Cell phone towers were down. My car needs significantly more digging out. Growing up in the south, shoveling snow is not a skill I learned as a kid. That said I moved a bunch today.

But what really made this blizzard better than last year is the people I've spent it with. (No offense to the person who drove out to spend the last one with me.) I think we've struck a good balance between being together and being at our own places. Or maybe it's just that this is a group that's low-key enough that even when we're in the same space, I can take time to myself and have it be cool.

Regardless, I loved the impromptu slumber party last night. Dinner and a movie and a dance and then we're just huddled under blankets talking. I don't want to venture into the cold (especially after feeling lost in the storm the previous night). When I woke up in the morning, I found my backpack, pulled out my book and read lazily.

Cozy. Comfortable. A whole lot happier than a week ago.

Breaks are good. Unexpected breaks with friends are fabulous.

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