Tuesday, May 27, 2008

T-? Counting down the hours until leaving

Okay. Kinda sorta packed. Still need to wash some dishes. Clean the bathroom. And accept the fact that my room will be a mess while I'm gone.

Made it through my end-of-year discussion with the organization that brought me here. (Notable that I was NEVER evaluated by my school.) Cleaned out the fridge and took food over to a friend who's staying the summer (and has a family to help eat). Straightened out books and papers in the living room/FEMA trailer lesson planning central. Poked around online for way more time than I should.....Ooops?

See many of you soon! *hugs* to the rest.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Continuing a tradition of overgrown comments

(This started out as a comment on Allison's LJ. Which was a post that had started out as a comment on someone else's LJ. Which this entry is not very related to. But still, I claim that I'm just continuing the tradition.)

Back when I still had birthday parties, so in elementary/middle school, I always got journals for presents and never really knew what to do with them. Because back then I never wrote much. There's the diary from 5th grade somewhere with a few pages, including my first bra shopping expierence. (Only remember it because I had friends over and they read my diary and then there was some sort of strap popping expierence....Oh middle school...) There's another one with ideas for stories, from back when I was going to grow up to be Madeline L'Engle.

I think my current journal really dates back to 8th grade. While I lived with my parents I was more of the irregular writer. Lots of the angsty stuff. But what surprised me was how much I started writing in my journal when I left home. I went from filling out a journal in 4.5 years, to two journals every three years.

Not to say I don't have my spurts, but it really is my place to debrief my day. All the stuff that I used to talk through with mom and dad. I write at bedtime, so there are many posts along the lines of, "So tired. Just want sleep."

I totally go back and read stuff at times, less so now than I used to. But I think the reason I write is less to have the memories and more to get stuff out. Days when I'm already calm, I'm less likely to write, even though there may be some great stories. Still, it's not my therapy, as much as it fills my routine.

It's been almost a year since I started the blog here. I'm less sure now what my purpose here is. I think this one is more for the stories. More for the stuff I don't want to forget. The fact that it keeps anyone else updated on my life is secondary. (As evidenced by the fact that I didn't tell people about this one for ages. And that I'm still keeping news of it pretty quiet.)

Huh, it's gotten late. Ironically, I sat down with the purpose of writing down a post for my other blog, but haven't. Think I'll go to bed and write in my journal instead.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I love summer

Nice weather.

No lessons to plan.

Time to cook. And eat. And yum!

It took me two evenings (the crust is complicated creature that needs to cool and then be baked), but the strawberry lemon curd tart is delish. I just had my first nibble. It still hasn't cooled all the way. But I think it might be worth trying variations of in the future. Blueberry lemon curd tart perhaps? Or individual sized as is? Whatever. So good.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Cracked up to B (or any other passing grade)

Calling home to nag students who haven't taken the final and it will make a difference for is not the easy good thing I'd hoped.

Didn't realize B was suspended. Didn't have anything to go on. Just mom's word. So made plans to have her take it afterschool tomorrow. Grades due Wednesday, no problem.

Then announcements come. Grades due at 4:00 tomorrow.

She was taking the test at 4.

Run around. Run around. Run around.

Think things are "sorted" now, but I'm not sure if it will make a difference.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just say no

I'm doing my best to remain ignorant to the concept that one of my students is pregnant. She's one of my favorites really, but I haven't spent that much time with her this year. She's smart, she doesn't need me to explain the material to her. And I haven't figured out my role as an adult figure in the lives of these students yet.

In a way I'm not surprised. And really, I don't know yet. But it's getting harder to ignore the weight gain. Harder to miss the signs of hiding herself in her jacket or under her hoodie.

I did a remarkable job of ignoring the teen sex in high school. I didn't know people who got pregnant in college. I feel safe saying that the majority of friends reading this blog aren't having sex. No pregnancy. No.

Can I start handing out condoms? Do word problems about STDs? Fertility rates? Family size? Something? I don't really know what the sex ed is here, but I want more.

Monday, May 12, 2008

not really a post

Nothing to say really. Just wanted to let you know I haven't disappeared. Eight more school days until I get to though.

First final exam tomorrow. (Instead of Friday like I'd originally planned.) Cross your fingers that they do well.