Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"If you fail to not show up for your appointment for any legitimate reason"

I get to be drug tested tomorrow. I have to drive a half-hour both ways to pee in a cup. Missing class to do so. Oh joy. (Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to the break from school. How sad is that?) Also, did it occur to anyone that making sure I drink enough water to urinate on command
might send me to the restroom more during the rest of the day?

And in case your wondering, the title is a direct quote from my notification memo. The complete quote: If you fail to not show up for your appointment for any legitimate reason it may constitute grounds for termination.

So, grammatically, that means what exactly? Only bad reasons are acceptable for showing up?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think it is almost funny they are asking you in for a drug test. i know it's required and by the book or whatever.'s like inviting you to a party and being surprised that you only drink water.

i played the freerice game though. it's great! makes me want to hit the SAT books again...almost.